Site icon Scottish Blend Tea

About the Tea

Scottish Blend Tea

Some Classic Scottish Blend Commercials

Singing Kettle Commercial

Known as the “Singing Kettle” commercial, this television advertisement uses a universally-known Robert Burns commercial as it theme.

The Problems

If you look closely at this commercial, you can see an older version of the Scottish Blend box and the square-shape tea bags, which were used before the pyramid-shape was introduced.

Universal Feelings

Scottish Blend is enjoyed all across the world. This commercials plays on a feeling everyone has experienced at one time or another.


Scottish Blend Tea is manufactured by Unilever UK.  The tea is manufactured in the United Kingdom.  In addition to Scottish Blend, Unilever makes a range of other teas, such as Lipton, Lyons, and PG Tips.

We are fans of Scottish Blend Tea.  We sell the same Scottish Blend you would get in a supermarket in Scotland. We were distressed about the lack of Scottish Blend sold around the globe so we want to make it easy to get.

This site is not affiliated with Unilever UK.

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